Poracle supports two different geocoding services for displaying addresses in your DTS by using {{addr}}
, {{streetNumber}}
, {{streetName}}
, {{zipcode}}
, {{country}}
, {{countryCode}}
, {{city}}
, {{state}}
, {{stateCode}}
and {{neighbourhood}}
. Setting it to none
will set those fields to unknown
but will remove any third party dependency
"geocoding": {
// provider, providerURL - these are used for address lookups. Can be 'none',
// 'nominatim' for a local nominatim installation (recommended)
// or google (geocoding key provides an array of google API keys)
"provider": "none",
"providerURL": "",
"cacheDetail": 3, // number of decimal places of lon/lat to use while caching geocoding (default 3 - or use 4 for 100x more detail)
// geocodingKey - google keys for geolocation - can be more than one in this array and poracle will cycle
Poracle will, by default, cache calls to your geocoding service. The cacheDetail setting controls this behaviour. You can specify how many decimal points of lat/lon to group together as a single entry - three is the default and keeps calls to a third party service (like google) to a reasonable level. If you have a local nominatim service you may want to set to 4 - which increases accuracy (at the cost of a 100x cache size increase) - or to 0 - which will call your geocoding service for every single posting.
This is the option for a self hosted nominatim server. Read more about it here - this is the most widely used solution.
Google Maps
Please log in to Google Developers console and make sure you have the following API’s enabled:
- Google Maps Javascript API
- Google Maps Geocoding API
- Google Reverse Geocoding API
You can test if your API key manually by adding your key to the below urls:
Reverse Geocoding,24.7535747&key=YOURKEYHERE
OpenStreetMap offers a public nominatim server as well, but ratelimits very hard which makes it almost unuseable with PoracleJS.