Some frequently, and some not so frequently asked questions

How do you upgrade your node?

How do you switch to a Pull Request for testing

This would fetch a pull request (in this case 246) into a branch we’ll call telegram and change to it

git fetch origin pull/246/head:telegram
git checkout telegram

To refresh, if the pull-request is updated, you must switch back to a standard branch, then you can repeat the commands above

git checkout develop
git fetch origin pull/246/head:telegram
git checkout telegram

Has my config been read correctly?

This command will display the combined default.json / local.json

echo "console.log(require('config'))" | node

Prettify local.json

This command will prettify local.json

echo "console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(require('strip-json-comments')(require('fs').readFileSync('config/local.json','utf8'))),null,'\t'))" | node

Testing geocoding

(new require('node-geocoder')({provider: 'openstreetmap',osmServer:''}).reverse({lat:52,lon:1})).then(console.log)

Increase heap size

Very rarely in very big systems, Poracle may require more than 2gb of memory

node --max-old-space-size=8192 src/app.js

or under PM2:

pm2 start src/app.js --node-args="--max-old-space-size=8192" --name poracle

Testing that poracle is listening


If everything is working poracle will respond:

PM2 warning on startup

```2|poracle | WARNING: NODE_APP_INSTANCE value of ‘0’ did not match any instance config file names. 2|poracle | WARNING: See

Create default-0.json in config folder containing


# How does Poracle eliminate duplicates?

* Pokemon: Encounter ID, Disappear Time, CP
* Raid/Egg: Gym, Message End, Pokemon ID
* Incident: Pokestop ID, IncidentExpiration
* Quest: Pokestop ID, Rewards

# Links for spoofing apps

These partials can be used for spoofing apps:

 "Velocity": ",",
 "iPogo": ",",
 "iTools":  ","