
Although Poracle configuration refers to channels for registration, it really means groups. Telegram also supports channels - the difference is that a channel does not provide capability for bots to understand who is sending messages to it.

This obviously causes a problem for security as Poracle needs to know whether to act on a command.

If you use /identify in a channel you will get the message:

This channel is id: [ -xxxxxxxxxx ] and your id is: unknown - this is a channel 
(and can't be used for bot registration)

You can configure poracle to send alarms to a channel, but configuration for these needs to be done by admins outside of the channel.

You first issue the /identify command inside the channel to have Poracle report the channel identity, and then use this in a /channel add command. Note that this is a negative number.

!channel add -xxxxxxx namemychannel - note that the name prefix is a parameter title and an important part of the command.

You then can add trackings by sending DM to Poracle and including the name designator.

!track everything iv100 namemychannel