Create a telegram bot and record the token

Configure basic telegram settings

Option Value Description
enabled true Enables Telegram support
checkRole false Role check best left for later - you don’t want to deregister your test users!
token [ “token” ] Your discord bot
channels Array of groups IDs where users can register in. Leave blank for first run - see below  
admins [ “yourid” ] Array of IDs of administrators - leave blank for first run - see below

Find your identity

Start poracle.

Send a direct message to the bot with the text /identify - this should respond with something like This is a private message and your id is: [ xxxxxxxxxxxxx ]. This number is your telegram user id, and should go into the admins section of the configuration.

Create a group for your registration group

Create a group and invite your Poracle bot to the group. Now you can issue the /identify command to discover the ID number of the group. Note that this will be a negative number.

You add this number to the configuration as the registration channel. Members of this group will be able to send /poracle to register. Note that telegram also requires them to select the bot profile and select the ‘start bot’ option. This link reportedly will work to get them straight to the screen. Poracle provides an option to reply in-channel with a custom message on registration to help users with this part of a process

Group based tracking

Admins can register any group that the Poracle bot is a member of using the /channel add command. After that tracking commands can be issued and results will be sent to the group.