Configuring your scanner

You will need to set your scanner up to send webhooks to Poracle.


  1. Alter your config.ini file to send webhooks to the endpoint that you have configured for poracle
# webhook
webhook                     # Activate support for webhook
webhook_url:    # webhook endpoint (multiple seperated by comma)
  1. Alter your config.ini file to send quests in poracle format - this format is also compatible with Pokealarm and other common tools, so there should be no problem setting this.
quest_webhook_flavor: poracle      # Mode for quest webhooks (default or poracle)
  1. You will see discussion of the poraclePvpHelper - which sends additional details in the webhooks for tracking of PVP suitable Pokemon. I suggest that this is configured later when everything is working, but when you do you will want to restrict MAD to sending non-Pokemon hooks - like this:
# webhook
webhook                     # Activate support for webhook
webhook_url: [raid gym weather pokestop quest]             # webhook endpoint (multiple seperated by comma)


  1. Under dashboard/Settings there are Webhook settings. Configure appropriately (note that if you are running RDM inside docker then this will need to be an address that will punch through to Poracle)