Config file

Poracle’s main configuration file is local.json. You will also notice a default.json in the config directory. This is updated by the developers and should not be changed - Poracle will first look to your local.json file and then if it can’t find a setting the reasonable defaults provided by default.json

Validating the file

After making changes to the file we should ensure it is valid JSON. If it is not valid JSON PoracleJS will not start. The default format resembles cJSON which does not have an online linter. You may be able to put it into your browsers developer tools to ensure it is valid JSON.


Thats the section about the PoracleJS listener. It’s the endpoint where you send the webhooks to.

Option Value
host Interface to listen on. Leave it at if you are sending webhooks from the same server to PoracleJS
port Port to listen on
ipWhitelist Array of IPs that are able to send webhooks
ipBlacklist Array of IPs that are not able to send webhooks


Option Value
environment That’s for development purposes. Only change it if you know what you are doing
alertMinimumTime Ignore all events with a despawntime in seconds lower than this value
imgUrl URL for icons used by {{{imgUrl}}} in DTS
stickerUrl URL for icons used by {{{stickerUrl}}} in DTS
locale Language of Poracle, available languages: en, de, fr and pl
weatherChangeAlert Poracle will send a message if a reported mon will get or lose it’s weatherboost. Weather webhooks are required
disabledCommands Array of disabled commands
disablePokemon Set to true to disable processing of mons
disableRaid Set to true to disable processing of raids
disableInvasion Set to true to disable processing of invasions
disablePokestop Set to true to disable processing of invasions
disableQuest Set to true to disable processing of quests
disablePokemon Set to true to disable processing of weather
roleCheckDeletionsAllowed Set to true to delete users from the PoracleJS database when they lose access


Option Value
level Loglevel of Poracle
logSize Max size in megabytes of the logfile, if the size is exceeded then a new file is created, a counter will become a suffix of the log file


Option Value
client Database type. Available options are: mysql for MySQL or MariaDB
conn Database credentials.


Option Value
timeformat Locale of the displayed time. You can find a list of available locales with ls -l node_modules/moment/locale/
time Timeformat. Learn more about it in the “Locale aware formats” section here
addressFormat Formatting of {{addr}} in DTS
language Language when using {{translateAlt}} in DTS


Option Value
path Path to the geofence.json that should be used by PoracleJS
defaultGeofenceName Only applies to GEOjson type geofences, used if the name missing
defaultGeofenceColor Not used at the moment


Option Value
pvpDisplayMaxRank Limits the results shown in user alerts
pvpDisplayGreatMinCP Limits the results shown in user alerts
pvpDisplayUltraMinCP Limits the results shown in user alerts
pvpFilterMaxRank Forces boundaries on the user tracking requests when they are out of range
pvpFilterGreatMinCP Forces boundaries on the user tracking requests when they are out of range
pvpFilterUltraMinCP Forces boundaries on the user tracking requests when they are out of range


Option Value
disableEverythingTracking Disable the option to track every mon by using everything
forceEverythingSeparately Forces one database row for each mon instead of one row for everything
defaultDistance Distance in meters when d isn’t used
maxDistance Maximum distance a user can set


Option Value
enabled Enables Discord support
checkRole Enables a rolecheck to automatically unregister left members
checkRoleInterval Interval in hours when to check users
unknownResponse Unused option
invite Unused option
token Array of Discord bottokens. In the past you might have used multiple to balance the load of messages, but today you should just use a single bot
guilds Array of Discord servers to check the members of
channels Array of channel IDs where users can register in
userRole Array of role IDs where users are automatically registered with
admins Array of IDs of administrators
prefix Symbol to use as command prefix
ivColors Array of hexcolors
dmLogChannelID Channel ID for user command logging
dmLogChannelDeletionTime Time in minutes after which the logged user commands are deleted

IV colors

There must be 6 colors defined, from worst IV to best.

The Colors are defined as you would in a html or css file: #rrggbb eg: #ff0000 for red.

The tiers of IV colors are as follows:

Min IV Max IV Default color
0 % 24.9 % Gray #9D9D9D
25 % 49.9 % White #FFFFFF
50 % 81.9 % Green #1EFF00
82 % 89.9 % Blue #0070DD
90 % 99.9 % Purple #A335EE
100 % 100 % Orange #FF8000


Option Value
enabled Enables Telegram support
channels Array of chat IDs (groups)where where users can register in
checkRole Enables a member check in the channels to automatically unregister left members
checkRoleInterval Interval in hours when to check users
token Bot-token from @Botfather. Only one Possible
admins Array of IDs of administrators


Read more about Geocoding and Staticmaps.

Option Value
provider Geocoding provider. Possible options are: poracle (not working at the moment), nominatim (for a selfhosted nominatim instances), google and openstreetmap (public nominatim instance, has a pretty low ratio limit)
providerURL URL pointing to a nominatim instance. Not needed when using google or openstreetmap. Set it to none to disable it
geocodingKey Google Geocoding Key if using google
staticProvider Staticmap provider. Possible options are: tileservercache (for a selfhosted tileservercache instance), google, osm (using mapquest API), mapbox (using mapbox API). Set it to none to disable it
staticKey API key for google, osm or mapbox
width Width of the staticmap
height Height of the staticmap
zoom Zoom of the staticmap
spriteHeight Icon height on the staticmap
spriteWidth Icon width on the staticmap
scale Scaling of the staticmap
type Styletype of the staticmap