Create a discord bot and record the token
- Create your discord bot. See here for details on how to create your bot & get its token
- Invite your bot to your server (guild)
- You can get your guild id and user role by right clicking and selecting ‘copy id’
Set your local.json with the following options:
Option | Value | Description |
enabled | true | Enables Discord support |
checkRole | false | Role check best left for later - you don’t want to deregister your test users! |
token | [ “token” ] | Your discord bot |
guilds | [ “id” ] | Array of Discord servers Poracle will be a member of |
channels | Array of channel IDs where users can register in | |
userRole | Array of role IDs where users are automatically registered with | |
admins | [ “yourid” ] | Array of IDs of administrators |
prefix | ”!” | Symbol to use as command prefix |
Start Poracle
Once you start poracle for this first time you should see Poracle become active, and then you can test your registration:
Register with poracle
Go to your registration channel and issue the !poracle command, you should get a direct message from Poracle welcoming you
Try some basic tracking
!location lat, lon
- set your location to the middle of your area!track everything iv75 d1000
- track all iv95 pokemon within a 1km area
When you are done:
- `!untrack everything’