
  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Copy config_example.php to config.php and adapt to your needs
  4. Have a Web Server pointing to your install directory (This tool doesn’t include any standalone WebServer)

  5. You will need to configure your some basic settings in config.php:
    • Access Parameters to your Poracle DB
    • Admin ID. From discord, right click on your avatar and use “Copy ID”. This defines the ID of the administrator who will be able to perform further configuration tasks.
    • Discord Bot. If you use PMSF, you can reuse the same parameters for discordBotClientId and discordBotClientSecret or find them on the Discord application Portal. redirect_url should point to your PoracleWeb base directory and should be configured as a Redirects in your Discord bot.

For those parameters go to :

  • Discord application Portal
  • Select your Bot (or create a new one).
  • Go to OAuth2 and add your ( being your redirect_url
  • Client ID can be found under “General Information”
  • Client Secret can be found under “General Information” by clicking the “Click to reveal” link.A

Configurating API in Poracle

  "server": {
      "host": "",        // host name to listen on only localhost; would be in all network interfaces
      "port": "3030",             // port
    // ipWhitelist, ipBlacklist - array of whitelisted or blacklisted addresses
      "ipWhitelist": [],
      "ipBlacklist": [],
      "apiSecret": ""             // apiSecret to use for access to Poracle API -- blank API disabled

Testing the API

To test the API:

curl -i -H "X-Poracle-Secret: whatever" http://localhost:4201/api/config/poracleWeb

Replace the secret, address and port with your own

  1. Go to your PoracleWeb site and head to Admin Tools / Server Settings for additional configuration steps and parameters. You need to be logged in as an admin (as defined by admin_id par ameter to be able to access this page.