Poracle can be configured in a variety of different ways to support tiles in output. Whilst most commonly in use for discord notifications, they are more commonly being used in some telegram contexts (for example weather changes)

Because of the flexible dts, you can build a direct link to a tileserver if you want, or you can use the {{staticMap}} calculated URL which Poracle will do the heavy lifting for you.


                                "thumbnail": {
                                        "url": "{{{imgUrl}}}"
                                "image": {
                                        "url": "{{{staticMap}}}"


                "template": {
                        "content": "[\u200A]({{{staticMap}}}) ...
                        "webpage_preview": true,

For best results, the recommendation is to use a SwiftTileServer and set Poracle to use the tileservercache option (see below) - as this causes the tile to be pregenerated and therefore instantly available to users.

For telegram, the trick is to include the map as a URL link with a blank link title - ie put [\u200A]({{{staticMap}}}) in your template and set webpage_preview to True. You can see this in the example DTS for weatherchange.

Map Providers

Poracle supports five different staticmaps services for displaying little maps below your alarms by using {{{staticMap}}}

Flo’s TileServerCache

That’s the option for a self hosted TileServerCache server. Read more about it here. This is the recommended way to configure tiles in Poracle.

In your local.json, under the geocoding section set staticProvider to tileservercache

You need to copy the templates located in tileservercache_templates/ into the Templates/ directory of your Tileserver so that Poracle has access to the templates it needs to generate the tiles.

When you install the tileserver, remember that Poracle just gets a tile URL from it - so the tileserver needs to be accessible (with the same base URL) by both Poracle and your users.


A standard static map


A multi-static map


Google Maps


Please log in to Google Developers console and make sure you have the following API’s enabled:

  • Google Maps Javascript API
  • Google Static Maps API

In your local.json, under the geocoding section set staticProvider to google and put your key(s) in staticKey

These options also in geocoding influence the map request:


You can test if your API key manually by adding your key to the below urls:


Fine tuning

The configuration values for type, zoom, width, height are used when building the URL:

data.staticMap = `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=${data.latitude},${data.longitude}&markers=color:red|${data.latitude},${data.longitude}&maptype=${this.config.geocoding.type}&zoom=${this.config.geocoding.zoom}&size=${this.config.geocoding.width}x${this.config.geocoding.height}&key=${this.config.geocoding.staticKey[~~(this.config.geocoding.staticKey.length * Math.random())]}`



Go to the Mapquest website, click on Get your Free API Key, log in and copy the Key. The limit is 15,000 tiles a month.

In your local.json, under the geocoding section set staticProvider to osm and put your key(s) in staticKey



Fine tuning

The configuration values for zoom, width, height are used when building the URL:

data.staticMap = `https://www.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?locations=${data.latitude},${data.longitude}&size=${this.config.geocoding.width},${this.config.geocoding.height}&defaultMarker=marker-md-3B5998-22407F&zoom=${this.config.geocoding.zoom}&key=${this.config.geocoding.staticKey[~~(this.config.geocoding.staticKey.length * Math.random())]}`



Go to the Mapbox website, click on Start mapping for free, log in and copy the Key. The limit is 50,000 a month.

In your local.json, under the geocoding section set staticProvider to mapbox and put your key(s) in staticKey



Fine tuning

The configuration values for zoom, width, height are used when building the URL:

data.staticMap = `https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v10/static/url-https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FMK4NUzI.png(${data.longitude},${data.latitude})/${data.longitude},${data.latitude},${this.config.geocoding.zoom},0,0/${this.config.geocoding.width}x${this.config.geocoding.height}?access_token=${this.config.geocoding.staticKey[~~(this.config.geocoding.staticKey.length * Math.random())]}`