Note that the ! prefix is used throughout this page; simply swap this for ‘/’ for telegram, or however you have configured your discord prefix


The !userlist command shows a list of registered users. These user identities can be used for other administrative commands. For discord you can often get the ID of a user by right clicking and selecting copy id.

The userlist can be filtered by passing one or more of these parameters:

command meaning
disabled Disabled users
enabled Enabled users
telegram Telegram only
discord Discord only
webhook Webhooks only
channel Channels only
group Groups only
user Users only

You can also use userlist to show users belonging to a particular community.

backup, restore


Allows you to apply community restrictions to a channel. See Area security for more details


This command allows a user to unregister themselves (not an admin though!) - but admins can also user it to unregister users using their user id (from userlist)

disable, enable

These are admin commands to disable or enable a user. Users will not be able to use Poracle all the time they are disabled. They will be marked in the !userlist above.

apply run commands across multiple channels

The apply command is a discord only can be to issue commands against multiple channels, by ID or by name.


Allows you to register a telegram channel, or a discord webhook. See Telegram or Discord pages for details specific to the endpoint


Discord only, this allows you to create categories and channels automatically. See Discord


Discord only, this allows you to create categories and channels automatically. See Discord

userXXXX run s a user

Any user command can have the user parameter to specify a user to run it as. This allows you an easy way to see a user’s tracking, for example.