Special Form_Names

Some Pokémon in the game have multiple forms. Those forms all have the same Pokémon name, but can be filtered separately. E.g. /track Exeggutor sends notifications for both forms of Exeggutor, Alola and normal (Kanto). However, you can also track only the normal form using /track Exeggutor formnormal.

Note that you may use a colon (:) in between the form parameter and the target form, such as form:alolan.

Written Command Pokémon Form
“FormNormal” Sends notifications only for the basic form of the Pokémon
“FormAlola” Can be used for all Pokémon from the region Alola
“FormGalarian” Can be used for all Pokémon from the region Galar
“FormShadow” Theoretically tracks Shadow Pokémon
“FromPurified” Theoretically tracks purified Pokémon
“FormA” to “FormZ” sends notifications for the respective Unown forms A … Z
“FormNormal”, “FormRainy”, “FormSunny” & “FormSnowy” filters the different Castform forms
“FormNormal”, “FormAttack”, “FormDefense” & “FormSpeed” filters the different Deoxys forms
“Form00” to “Form19” filters the different Spinda forms
“FormNoEvolve” filters for specific Pokémon that cannot evolve in this form
“FormFrost”, “FormNormal”, “FormFan”, “FormHeat”, “FormMow” & “FormWash” filters the different Rotom forms
“FormSandy”, “FormPlant” & “FormTrash” filters the different Burmy forms
“FormAltered” & “FormOrigin” filters the different Giratina forms
“FormWest_Sea” & “FormEast_Sea” filters the different Shellos and Gastrodon forms
“FormSky” & “FormLand” filters the different Shaymin forms
“FormOvercast” & “FormSunny” filters the different Cherrim forms