Handlebars functions

{{numberFormat xx 2}} or {{toFixed xx 2}}

Format a number to a given number of decimal places


{{calculateCp baseStats 20 15 15 15}}


{{calculateCp (pokemonBaseStats 2) 20 15 15 15}}


{{getPowerUpCost}} will give a text string

or can be used in it’s constituent parts eg:

{{#getPowerUpCost 5 10}}Candy - {{candy}} Stardust - {{stardust}}{{/getPowerUpCost}}
{{#getPowerUpCost ../level this.level}}:stardust:{{addCommas stardust}}:rarecandy:{{candy}}{{#compare xlCandy '>' 0}}:rarecandyxl:{{xlCandy}}{{/compare}}{{/getPowerUpCost}}


{{concat pokemonId '_' formId}} would give 5_0


{{pad0 pokemonId}} would pad to three digits eg 021


Poracle contains a generalised mapping function. Define a map in the customMaps folder like this –

  "name": "raidCounters",
    "map": {
        "144": {
            "trainers": "2",
            "counters": "Rampardos, Shadow Tyranitar, Rhyperior, Terrakion, Shadow Omastar & Tyranitar"
        "145": {
            "trainers": "3",
            "counters": "Shadow Mamoswine, Shadow Tyranitar, Rhyperior, Shadow Mewtwo, Mega Abomasnow & Mamoswine"
        "146": {
            "trainers": "2",
            "counters": "Shadow Tyranitar, Rampardos, Rhyperior, Terrakion, Shadow Omastar & Shadow Aerodactyl"

And you can then use it in your DTS to map from anything to anything - eg in this example pokemon Id maps to trainers and the counters for advanced raid displays. You use it like this: {{#map 'raidCounters' pokemonId}}Trainers needed: {{trainers}} Best counters: {{{counters}}}{{/map}}. If you have a single value you map to you can just use {{map 'name' value}} rather than having subvariables.

I hope people will come up with some imaginative mappings and share them (we have a defaults/customMaps folder so we can ship some cool ones!)

handlebars helpers


{{#if verified}}Verified{{else}}Not verified{{/if}}


eg {{#each matched}}{{map 'arealist' this}}{{/each}} to use a map for each area name to more descriptive text


