Filtering Options


Simple commands

When you are talking to Poracle there are a few basic commands you should remember

Command Description
!help Replies with some help text
!tracked Display a summary of everything you are currently tracking
!stop Stop sending me messages - if you have tracked too much this can be a good way to stop Poracle spamming you!
!start Start sending messages again
!info Display details for a given collection, such as rarity, items, or Pokémon

Poracle will temporarily stop sending you notifications if you receive too many over a short period of time. If you do this repeatedly then it will stop sending you any notifications at all. Usually you can fix your tracking and issue a !start command to resume, but you may be asked to contact your site administrator.

Notification area

You will only receive notifications for things that happen within the areas you have opted in, or within a certain distance from a specific location you set.

When you first start to use poracle, it is sensible to use the pre-defined areas

Tracking by areas

!area list will show you a list of all the areas that are available to you. You can add tracking in these areas using !area add and remove them with !area remove. You can see the areas, and every other detail about your tracking using !tracked

The area command helpfully can show you the extent of an area using the !area show command.

Setting your location

You can set your home location and ask for notifications only within a certain distance of that. You do this by specifying !location -

eg !location 10 New Dover Road, London SW3 4SX

or find the latitude and longitude of your address in google maps and set it directly

eg !location 51.279,1.080

Once you have specified your location you will then be able to a distance marker to any notifications by using the d flag - for example !egg level5 d500 - to see things within 500m of your house

Distance guide

How far/fast can you walk? Here is a guide from the internet (so it must be true!)

Meters Fast Moderate Easy Walk
1000 7 10 13
2000 14 20 25
3000 21 30 38
4000 28 40 50
5000 35 50 63

Shows the current filtering settings, followed by specifications on the location, the selected areas and all filters referring to anything from Pokémon to Rocket/Invasion.

Things you can be notified about!


There are a lot of options for filtering your alerts to get the Pokémon you want. The Track page contains all the detail, this just describes the basics.

Let’s deconstruct this command. !track pikachu d1000 iv20

All commands to receive Pokémon notifications start with “!track”. Using “!untrack […]”, you can remove the respective commands again.

This part of the command indicates which Pokémon the command refers to. It is possible to name one or more Pokémon using their Pokédex numbers or name (multiple languages are supported if your Poracle is configured for this), separated by space. You can track all Pokémon using “everything”. You can track all Pokémon of a particular type - eg !track dark and filter Pokémon using a generation - eg !track everything gen1 or !track dragon gen3.

If you do not specify a *‘d’ (distance) filter, then the areas you have selected using the !area command will be used to filter these alerts. If you do specify a distance, then you will be notified if a Pokémon falls within the area around your location.

You can see what a particular distance radius looks like for you by doing !area show d1000, for example.

“iv##” indicates the minimum IVs the Pokémon must have to warrant a notification. If you do not set an “iv##”, then no minimum will be used. There are other options including “maxiv##” (deprecated) indicates the maximum IVs a Pokémon may have to warrant a notification. An iv of -1 is used when the IV is not known, so in this case specifying a minimum iv of 0 may be advisable too. See Track for more details.

!track pikachu iv100 - sends notifications for all Pikachu with 100 IV. !track pikachu iv0 maxiv0 - sends notifications for all Pikachu with 0 IV.
!track pikachu miniv50 maxiv60 - sends notifications for all Pikachu with IVs between 50% and 60%. !track pikachu iv50-60 - same as above, but uses range notation

Note: IV specifications will be rounded to whole numbers. A Pokémon classified as IV98 actually has 44 of 45 possible IV points (15atk,15def,15sta), which are 97.77% mathematically. Since, IV97.77 should not be included in the IV range 98 you would be best filtering for IV97 to capture all IV98 Pokémon.

Also note that iv100 and iv:100 are the same filter and using the colon may help process non-English language commands better.

You can specify more filters (eg levels, atk, def, sta) - see Track for more details.

Additionally to the Pokémon names, Poracle also knows various names for specific forms, e.g. to look only for Alola-Pokémon. You can find an explicit list in the section Pokémon Forms.

You can create several entries for a single Pokémon. For example, you could use two commands to receive notifications for Pokémon with maximum IV0 and Pokémon with minimum IV100.

Important: to check if a !track command works as intended, use the command !tracked whenever you need to. This way, the bot will show you all filter settings it is currently using.


All quest commands start with !quest and can be removed again using !quest remove. Quest commands work within areas or distances as described above.


!quest Pikachu - sends notifications for all quests with Pikachu as a reward.


!quest everything - sends notifications for all quests. !quest all_items - sends notifications for all item reward quests. !quest all_pokemon - sends notifications for all Pokémon reward quests. !quest rare_candy - sends notifications for all quests with rare candy as a reward.

Use !info items to get an up-to-date list of avaialble items. The table below may not be up-to-date.

Written Command Item Name
Poke_Ball Poké Ball
Great_Ball Great Ball
Ultra_Ball Ultra Ball
Master_Ball Master Ball
Premier_Ball Premier Ball
Potion Potion
Super_Potion Super Potion
Hyper_Potion Hyper Potion
Max_Potion Max Potion
Revive Revive
Max_Revive Max Revive
Lucky_Egg Lucky Egg
Incense Incense
Lure_module Lure Module
glacial_lure_module Glacial Lure Module
mossy_lure_module Mossy Lure Module
magnetic_lure_module Magnetic Lure Module
Razz_Berry Razz Berry
Nanab_Berry Nanab Berry
Pinap_Berry Pinap Berry
Golden_Razz_Berry Golden Razz Berry
Silver_Pinap_Berry Silver Pinap Berry
egg_incubator_∞ Egg Incubator Unlimited
egg_incubator Egg Incubator
super_incubator Super Incubator
Sun_Stone Sun Stone
King’s_Rock King’s Rock
Metal_Coat Metal Coat
Dragon_Scale Dragon Scale
Upgrade Up-Grade
Sinnoh_Stone Sinnoh Stone
Unova_Stone Unova Stone
Fast_TM Fast TM
Charged_TM Charged TM
Elite_Fast_TM Elite Fast TM
Elite_Charged_TM Elite Charged TM
Rare_Candy Rare Candy

Note: The system only supports English names for quest items. You can select all items available in the game data. This does not mean, however, that all those items are actually available in quests or at all in the game.


!quest stardust - all quests with stardust as a reward. !quest stardust500 - all quests with at least 500 stardust as a reward.

Mega Candy

** !quest energy** - all quests with mega energy as a reward ** !quest energybulbasaur ** - all quests with bulbasaur mega energy


There are two different kinds of Raid notifications. You can receive notifications when Raid Eggs first appear or when a certain Raid Boss hatches. For Eggs, your command starts with !egg, while the command for the Raid Boss starts with !raid. Consequently, you have to use !raid-commands to receive notifications for specific Pokémon.

!raid Snorlax - sends notifications for all Snorlax Raids.

Additionally, you can set the following filters for !raid-commands and !egg-commands (most of the filters can be combined freely):

!raid(!egg) level5 - sends notifications for all Tier 5 Raids or Eggs (cannot be combined with a filter for specific Pokémon!) Note level 6 is for mega raids!

!raid(!egg) d1000 - Raids can be filtered by location.

!raid(!egg) ex - sends notifications only for Raids at Gyms that are currently labeled as EX Raid Gyms.

!raid(!egg) instinct/valor/mystic/harmony - sends notifications only for Raids at Gyms currently controlled by the selected team.

!raid(!egg) everything - sends notifications for all Raids/Eggs.

!egg remove or !raid remove removes all filters for Raids and Eggs. It can also refer to single Raid Tiers and Pokémon, e.g !raid remove Snorlax.


Currently, scanning Rocket-invaded PokéStops only happens passively. This means that the PokéStops are not actively approached, just detected by the radar. At any point where a scanner is doing a job of any kind, e.g. scanning a Pokémon, it collects information about invaded Stops in the surrounding area.

Included is information on the location of the grunt, their quote, and their gender. There is a specific set of Pokémon assigned to every combination of quote and gender. This set consists of different Pokémon which can be encountered as invasion reward at different odds.

Since the workers never actively engage in a Rocket battle, they do not know exactly which Pokémon will be the reward. Consequently, you cannot filter for specific Pokémon in Poracle, but only for type and gender.

All invasion-commands start with !invasion. You can remove all filtering settings for invasions using !invasion remove everything.

!invasion everything - sends notifications for all invaded Stops.

!invasion-commands can be specified by both areas and distances (d).

Additionally, you can filter by all 16 available Pokémon types and gender.

Written Command Meaning/Result
normal Tracks invasions with a chance to get a normal type Pokémon
fire Tracks invasions with a chance to get a fire type Pokémon
fighting Tracks invasions with a chance to get a fighting type Pokémon
water Tracks invasions with a chance to get a water type Pokémon
flying Tracks invasions with a chance to get a flying type Pokémon
grass Tracks invasions with a chance to get a grass type Pokémon
poison Tracks invasions with a chance to get a poison type Pokémon
electric Tracks invasions with a chance to get an electric type Pokémon
ground Tracks invasions with a chance to get a ground type Pokémon
psychic Tracks invasions with a chance to get a psychic type Pokémon
rock Tracks invasions with a chance to get a rock type Pokémon
ice Tracks invasions with a chance to get an ice type Pokémon
bug Tracks invasions with a chance to get a bug type Pokémon
dragon Tracks invasions with a chance to get a dragon type Pokémon
ghost Tracks invasions with a chance to get a ghost type Pokémon
dark Tracks invasions with a chance to get a dark type Pokémon
steel Tracks invasions with a chance to get a steel type Pokémon
fairy Tracks invasions with a chance to get a fairy type Pokémon
mixed Tracks invasions with an undetermined type
male Tracks male invasions
female Tracks female invasions
giovanni Tracks for giovanni
arlo Tracks for arlo
cliff Tracks for cliff
sierra Tracks for sierra
decoy Tracks for decoy grunts
mixed Tracks for invasions with a mixed type

Note: You can combine several filters/types. E.g.: !invasion fire water ice male - tracks all male invasions with either a fire type, water type, or ice type Pokémon as a reward.


Track when lures have been placed on pokestops

eg: !lure mossy



If your administrator has configured it, …


Command Description
!profile Create and update a profile for your tracked settings. See Profiles.
!script Documentation pending